Sunday, November 22, 2009

My stomach grumbles...

In Korean, we say: 배고파.

In Chinese, we say: 我饿了.

In Spanish, we say: Yo tengo hambre.

In English, we say: I'm hungry.

In my current situation, I say: I hungzzzz.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

That Damn Toilet

Is now unclogged. Thank the fucking lord.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Insert Headlines Below

It's now raining heavily at Stony Brook. Boo hoo, I know. I said in my last post that my teacher called me stupid. Now I have two other things to report (although I'm not really reporting because I know deep down my teacher doesn't mean any of it!)

1. Three days ago, my teacher hit me. :(

2. Today, she called me a bastard in Korean. Her exact words follow this: 나쁜 놈. Or however it's spelled.

This post's influence was because Jessica forced me to write one.

So why did my teacher hit me and call me stupid? Because I told her the naughty words in Korean that I learned from my friends! It's not my fault. I'm just really easily influenced :'(.

Going to cut this entry short like this:

1. The music show I attended the other day, the pianist proposed to the lead violinist after Samuel Barber's Violin Concerto. She said yes. I think.

2. Taeyang came out with two new songs, 'Where U At' and 'Wedding Dress'. Big Bang came out with 'Let Me Hear Your Voice'. Check them out on YouTube.

3. I get to register for classes in 7 days, ahuahaha.

4. I have a boring life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I swear! I'm not stupid!

But my Korean language professor seems to think otherwise. I know we all have those days where like, we're kind of out of it, and then bam! Something hits you in the face.

So I had a similar thing happen to me earlier today (about 18 hours ago, so I guess it was yesterday). Korean class just finished, and as usual, me and two of my classmates are walking with the T.A. and asking her about Korean profanities.

At this point, I'll admit, I was tired as hell. I sleep as much as an old man (or as much as a bear) when it's winter time. So the two classmates ended up having a side conversation, because we all strayed off from the common topic. I was talking to the T.A., making my way down the road towards the Union Building, and then bam! A speed limit sign right in the face.

My initial reaction? My face goes: o_o...? Picture my face with the question mark and the blank stare. That's what I looked like. The two classmates saw the whole thing, and are dying of laughter. The T.A. is covering her face, trying to hide her share of the laughter. And then, as if that wasn't already bad enough, my professor is walking up the road from where we just came from.

Some part of me wishes that the first thing out of her mouth were along the lines of, "Are you okay?" or as if she would have said, "괜찮아요 (gwen-chan-a-yo)?", which virtually means the same thing but in, well, Korean. First thing out of her mouth: 바보 (pa-bo). What could that possibly mean? Especially to people who don't speak or understand an ounce of Korean? It means "stupid."

Yes, my professor called me stupid.

She knew I understood too, so she tried to justify the word: "Oh no, pa-bo in Korean isn't really a bad thing. It just means like...stupid." Not a justification! :'(. But I appreciate the effort, and the fact that my professor is comfortable enough with us to be able to say something like that to me. Yeah...that was the highlight of my day. That and I got a 58 out of 60 on the Korean midterm :).

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Forget Post Below

Obviously, I got too lazy to update the post below. Hopefully, I'll get to it one day (assuming I remember what I was going to talk about.) Currently listening to "River Flows in You" by Yiruma so the song can get stuck in my head, so I can go and play it on the piano. If I can manage to learn that by myself, I'm going to move on to learning "Kiss the Rain" by the same composer. Such an amazing pianist.

Recent Decision(s):
1. Play piano again.
2. Start writing more (and editing papers and whatnot).
3. Finish the story I got hired to write, which falls under a genre I prefer not to write though -.-;...
4. Do super well in my four remaining classes, including studying for my upcoming fifty question quiz in LIN250/AAS250.
5. Double-check with what the fuck is going on with my transfer credits, so I won't need to take WRT102 next semester, which throws me completely off track for graduation if I have to take it.
6. Be less of a dick when editing stuff (Sorry Jessica Yu).
7. Spend less money.
8. Study some more.
9. And find some time to play amidst the studying.
10. And go do the number two (not writing more, if you catch my drift) after I finish this list.

Why? Because I know I can do it, duh. And because I want to.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Success... dropping that class!

Updates later.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

To Drop...or Not to Drop...

...that is the major issue at hand.

Linguistics 201 (Phonetics) isn't very useful for me, since I've decided to remain an English major. It fulfills a DEC which I have already fulfilled, and will hamper my GPA if I remain in the class. So the issue at hand is, do I want a W and only thirteen credits for this semester on my transcript? Or do I want a lower GPA with seventeen credits?

1) Korean Homework
2) Music Homework
3) Study for Korean Exams (vocabulary)
- Call Kerriann and/or Kristin
- Or just Facebook them.
4) Sleep before 12:00 AM!!